Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sometimes shocking advertisings are the only way to convey a message. Shocking advertisings have numerous of uses, they can repel the viewers by telling the true in their faces or they can be the first ones to break the moral taboo some of the viewers have and make them understand what is really happening in the world.

It is insensitive to create an advertising that does not give you some education about the problem they are conveying and even worst to benefit from others disgrace without any consent. Moreover this shocking advertising, the one it is in Berlin, is showing a caged bear in what it seems the last of its life.

That picture wants to express that some Chinese medicine is made out of this kind of bears and you, as the viewer, need to; or stop using that kind of medicament or be aware of the problem. The best way to stop this kind of tragic things to happen in this universal society we are painfully becoming is to involve is small ecologic and voluntary groups that help and produce something for our future environment and future society.

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